Tuesday, 10 April 2012

This just in!

Check out ROBLOX egg hunt 2012! You'll be epic with an egg sitting on your head!
Find eggs and wear them on your head! LOLLOL Same with,The Three stooges aka, Welcome to stooge vill!roblox.com


Friday, 6 April 2012


check out the video guide to make a flying car on ROBLOX!
if you sighed up on ROBLOX leave your ROBLOX name in the comments please!

check this out!

If you hold on ill post a few videos on how to make a flying car and some examples!

Make your flying car!

If you made a personal place then i'll tell you how to make a flying car! So first go in to the icon in your hot bar that shows a block with a + beside it,you'll see things like.. Space kit, house kit, but look for the one that says wiring. Look for something called fan. Press it to place a fan. But, first you need to look for high scalability . Place some high scalability on how big you want your flying car to be. (remember not too big). When you have that you put basic building on top of the fans. Put a chair and sit in it space bar to jump out. If you've done this correctly all the fans should be on. Sit in your chair,and delete the high scalability from underneath. If you followed these steps correctly you should be flying up in to the heavens right now! But if you didn't follow the steps your ship should be a pile of nothing,sitting around.With fans under it! The reason you have to make it a personal place is so you can show all your friends that don't believe you! And btw tell them  about this blog please! That would be highly appreciated!
Ok, sorry i've been so pushy about this BC thing its really a free game you don't need BC to be epic. BC is just a way to get more epic faster! Ok i'll  explain the basics of ROBLOX! if someone is being mean to you or swearing you report abuse on them! To move you use W A S D or the arrow keys!
                                                                            n00b TO pure epic
My way of geting epic is to have BC and lots of friends! But there's many other ways to become epic as well!

link to ROBLOX!

ok for you guys that don't know how to get on ROBLOX heres the link!www.roblox.com here you go now go sign up for the best free game called ROBLOX!

get your personal server!

ok so if you got Bc/Tbc/Obc then you're ready for your next step! If my idea failed keep trying, do the dishes or something! Ok so bc members you should be able to create a place. if you can do it, do it!
and then when you're in the settings look for the square that says  personal place. If you found it good job put a check in that box! :) so now you can choose who you want to be admin and who you want ban!
You should only make your friends or people you trust member/admin.My ROBLOX name is luke5pe and you know I wouldn't do anything bad. Don't you? JK LOL. but really you don't have to give me tools!

Get your bc!

Ok dont buy bc make your mom/dad buy you bc! I know that sounds impossible but just say you'll do more chores at home,and try more food at dinner.and maybe they'll say yes!(BTW this is not how I got bc,obc and tbc!) Ps. Don't let your mom read this, this is a kids only blog! I always play ROBLOX this is my first post so hope you like it! Next time I'll talk about making a personal server and making flying cars!